Thursday, September 17, 2009

Computing the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything

I keep hearing a lot about "what the fuck is the point" from various sources. I always have two answers, one I can't express properly, the other is "none at all".

The reason for this is that there is no real great point to any given event in any given lifetime, or even any lifetime itself. The only "point" to be had is manufactured to facilitate further choice structures.

However, taken in aggregate, thousands of lifetimes and billions of moments and experiences change how a being is, and there is the real point to life. Of course if I could give all the answers I'd write a book, found a religion, and retire wealthy, healthy, and forever misunderstood. However, that is the feeling of the great purpose to life, that is why each experience has value, no matter how trivial seeming, nor how painful, nor how glorious.

If you were to look at a single transistor in a single arithmetic logic unit of your computer, it would appear pointless, and indeed useless. At best it can hold a few nano-coulombs of charge, it only has two states, charged, and not charged, and is mere microns in size. Put together a few trillion of them in a certain order and a with a certain state, and you have the contents of your screen, or a working model of a galaxy, or a battle on a long forgotten field, or a potential cure for genetic disease.

Moments, and experiences are the transistors of your life.

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