Thursday, September 17, 2009

One more Crackpot 2012 theory

Crackpot? hell yes, because all theories of the future are, but this one keep beating my head in, which means at least 5 of you need to hear it.

2012 is graduation.

Taking a lot of shit in aggregate thats the point. What else is the great cycle than a term in the cosmic school of life. 26000 years aren't but a blink in the continuum that is eternity. Of course in this school there are no credit requirements, no course listing, no bells, or lunch breaks. Everyone in the school is a student and a professor at the same time, and often in the same classroom.

The catch to the school is that there is a time limit for completion, or withdrawal. You can drop out, leave with an associates, or bachelors, but if you choose to stay the whole course, the dissertations at the end are the make or break point in your pursuit.

We're there folks. Its time to start writing our theses, or put the pens down and give it another go in (or for) another 26000.

Some will choose to quit. That is rightly frustrating if they are close to you, but it is their decision to make, and you don't know your own past, future, and often even current state with enough certainty to make any qualified judgments about theirs.

I had the single sentence thought earlier tonight "Because this is our last chance." Last chance for exactly what I can't say/don't know. Best guess would be this short poetic blog of a friend:

"I already know your dance with fate
I already see that scared rabbit look in your eyes.
That defensive stance.
I know that you're coming for me, and I know why.
I know that I am the easy target,
the one who is willing to do this dance with you,
I already know all that,
because we've done this before you and I.
We've had lifetimes to dance with each other.
Isn't it time we got it right? "

So yes, the feeling I get is that here we are, going on toward graduation, but its the critical time where if we fuck up, we have to re-apply and re-enrol in the PhD program, and the matriculation here is very long by our present perception. 2600 lifetimes give or take a few hundred.

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